What the fork?

Website overhaul in progress.

Some pages and posts are temporarily unavailable. You’ve caught me in the middle of a major website reorg. While working through some big changes, I’ve pulled down everything except pages pertaining to my fiction projects.

A new approach

Until recently, jaybenfield.com was my attempt at smashing together all of my interests and projects – fictional, musical, technical, and personal. It was also where I blogged about pretty much everything.

I decided that my “everything” approach to this website and blog was ineffective at best. The sum of the parts, the all things Jay under one hypertext umbrella setup, resulted in the dilution of the individual parts. I’m implementing a new strategy to fix that.

Fiction first

I am working to reorganize, rebrand, and split jaybenfield.com into multiple websites – each dedicated to specific subject matter. Spooning The Muse is the first of the sites to go live, which is focused on my fiction writing projects.

More to come

I’m currently working on other sites dedicated to my music and web dev. I hope you stick around for this next chapter of my interwebs adventure.